



     我決定先幫每一件小物說故事,萬一以後我真的有必要把它們賣掉的話,至少也會留下故事和圖片,我第一個著手的是那個法國里摩日(Limoges)瓷器品牌Raynaud的蠟燭盒(Boîte à bougie Raynaud en porcelaine de Limoges)為什麼我可以寫這麼清楚,是因為它還在生產線上,而且網路就買得到,販售價格是日幣12960(折合台幣是3444),讓我來跟你說這個東西入手的故事。

    這是我第一次來到大井競馬場的Tokyo city flea market,以前對於這個跳蚤市場一無所知。本來我在東京的跳蚤市場行程都已經排定,停留東京最後這一天太早起床了,但品川intercity的跳蚤市場要10點才開,我上網查看當天其他跳蚤市場,發現大井競馬場這個跳蚤市場9點就開始,而且離我住宿的地方很近。趕快收拾東西出門,到現場一看,我的亢奮指數立刻爆表,這根本是「賊仔市」等級,什麼都有賣而且是PRO等級(對於跳蚤市場老手很有挑戰性)。原本預計隨便看一看就回品川,結果逛了快4個小時還欲罷不能,如果不是接下來還要逛品川蚤市及大江戶古董市場的話,我應該可以在這裡玩到下午3點結束,法國Raynaud蠟燭盒就是在這找到的。



立於1849年法國里摩日的瓷器品牌Raynaud官網 (Raynaud en porcelaine de Limoges)  

我買到的品項:Boîte à bougie (蠟燭盒)


Founded in 1849, the Montjovis manufacture was built on the hill bearing the same name, alongside eleven porcelain manufactures.

 Under Napoleon III, it became famous for its technically complex works. This industrial "tour de force" mainly resides in achieving the harmony of colors resulting from years of research, opening the way to infinite combinations of fade-resistant decorations still used by porcelain makers.

 The Montjovis kiln is the only one left today, on the original location of the Raynaud manufacture.

 Martial Raynaud bought Montjovis in 1919. The firm soon grew to become RAYNAUD & Co in 1925, and stated its ambition with this now well-known hallmark: an R with a laurel branch.

 While promoting the firm's international development, he also followed great artistic trends, and created the famous czarina cups, still in the collection.

 Andre Raynaud, who succeeded his father in 1952, brought the many facets of his personality to the firm. While preserving its time-honored know-how, he introduced industrial innovations allowing to develop new techniques, to design new creations and reproduce old pieces.

 These industrial investments enabled Andre Raynaud to considerably expand his centers of interest: reproduce the East India Company's amazing China copies, design new shapes, the great artists collection, Dali, Cocteau...

 Thanks to his curiosity, his bold creations, his industrial vision, Andre Raynaud enabled his firm to enter the international market.

 Bertrand Raynaud joined the firm in 1985, and in 1989 was promoted General Manager. He then developed a new marketing policy and set out to give the firm a prestigious image.

 In 1992, when the Groupe Ercuis took a participation in Raynaud, Bertrand Raynaud was appointed Chairman of the Board. He is in charge of organizing the firm's participative management and of building its future on Martial Raynaud industrial policy and Andre Raynaud creative policy.

 These major objectives made Bertrand Raynaud decide to resolutely turn towards the 21st century. A century he hopes will be one of respect for tradition, intrinsic quality, timeless, worldfamous creations, a brand known and recognized as a reference.

 Today, Raynaud still makes and decorates in Limoges unique porcelain, with a marked preference for relief shapes and generously colored and gilt decorations. For over two centuries Limoges Porcelain has been the synonym of quality, known and recognized on every continent.

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